
GOLD STAR, une nouvelle toile de CORNO à la galerie AKA

Un portrait de jeune femme magnifique avec de longs cheveux or, dans le pure style de Corno.   A première vue, c’est le fond d’un jaune éclatant qui attire notre attention, mais on est rapidement séduit par le regard tellement touchant de cette femme.

Si vous passez par le Vieux Montréal, venez admirer cette nouvelle oeuvre de Corno . Galerie AKA,  51 rue Saint Paul ouest.


AKA Gallery is a little brighter this week, with the arrival of a new painting called Gold Star (60” x 72”).

In true Corno style, the canvas is a large, bright and beautifully executed portrait of a woman with lush gold hair and full red lips. While at first you may find that the bright yellow background is what makes the painting so captivating, with a second look you will see that in fact, the most captivating feature are the bright and gazeful eyes.

 If you find yourself in Montreal, come see for yourself at AKA Gallery (51 St Paul Street W)


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