
A commissioned series depicting the life of Saint Sebastian

Saint Sébastien vécut au quatrième siècle après Jésus-Christ, et il mourut comme un des grands martyrs de la Chrétienté. On l’a toujours identifié comme le protecteur contre toutes  les épidémies qui dévastèrent l’Europe pendant des siècles.

Cette série de 4 grandes toiles de Corno fait partie d’une exposition privée, à Londres.


Saint Sebastian is a 4th Century Christian martyr, traditionally associated with protection from the numerous plagues that devastated Europe centuries ago.

The result of this commission is a dramatic series of four large paintings that hang as a private collection in London.

The first image you see, is Diocletian, the Roman Emperor who commanded archers to shoot Saint Sebastian with arrows, for his supposed betrayal . If you take a close look at Diocletian, you will see that his hair is made with real nails & screws.

The following painting is of Saint Sebastian, pained with an arrow in his side.

After which we see the image of Irene of Rome,  who retrieved Saint Sebastian`s body to bury it, only to find him alive. She took him in and nursed him back to health.

But finally, Diocletian took his revenge on the Saint and had him beaten to death. Hence, the final painting of the series, a skull with white flowers, to represent the resurrection of the soul and the passing over to an infinite after life.

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